Category: API

Get a Comprehensive List of Tasks Associated with a Workflow

[ez-toc] Retrieve a List of Tasks Associated with a Given Workflow with the GitScrum API This API endpoint provides a list of tasks associated with a given workflow. By specifying the workflow ID in the request, you can retrieve a comprehensive list of tasks associated with that workflow. The response includes information such as the […]

Get a Comprehensive View of Your Project’s Workflows

[ez-toc] Returns all workflows with their associated tasks for a given project This API endpoint provides detailed information about a project’s workflows and their associated tasks. Using this endpoint, you can retrieve all workflows with their corresponding tasks for a specified project. The response includes information such as the workflow and task UUIDs, names, descriptions, […]

Get Detailed Information About Your Project

[ez-toc] Retrieve Detailed Information About Your Project This API endpoint provides you with detailed information about your project, including its name, description, start and end dates, and status. With this information, you can get a clear understanding of the current state of your project and make informed decisions to keep your workflow running smoothly. Endpoint […]

Get an Overview of Project Status

[ez-toc] Retrieve Project Status List This API endpoint provides you with a list of all possible statuses for your project, including “In Progress”, “Completed”, and “Archived”. With this information, you can get a clear understanding of the current state of your project and make informed decisions to keep your workflow running smoothly. Endpoint Method […]

Get a Comprehensive View of Your Project’s Progress

[ez-toc] Stay Up-to-Date on Project Progress This API endpoint provides you with a list of all activities within your project, including task updates, comments, and status changes. With this information, you can gain a comprehensive view of the progress and changes within your project. Endpoint Method GET Authentication API ID and Project KEY are […]

Get Project Workflow List and Task Counts

[ez-toc] Get Project Workflow List and Task Counts This API endpoint provides you with a list of all workflows within your project, along with the total number of tasks assigned to each workflow. With this information, you can gain valuable insights into the distribution of tasks within your project and make informed decisions to optimize […]

Get Project Team Members and Project Task Allocations by Workflow

[ez-toc] Get Project Team Members and Task Allocations by Workflow This API endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all project team members along with the number of tasks assigned to each member, organized by workflow. With this information, you can gain a clear understanding of the distribution of tasks within your project and […]

Obtaining GitScrum API Credentials on Project Settings

[ez-toc] Unlock Greater Possibilities with GitScrum API GitScrum has a new API that allows you to access and manipulate your organization’s data programmatically. This API can also be used to develop third-party apps and extend the functionality of GitScrum’s core product. To use the API securely, you will need to provide your API ID and […]


GitScrum REST API Documentation

GitScrum is a platform for managing projects and tasks, and it provides a set of APIs to access its resources. These APIs follow the REST architectural pattern, and use the HTTP protocol to expose their functionality over the internet. REST API Definition REST stands for Representational State Transfer, which is an architectural pattern that describes […]

Maximizing Productivity with GitScrum API: A Comprehensive Guide

GitScrum is a project management tool that helps teams organize, track, and collaborate on tasks and projects. Its API (Application Programming Interface) allows developers to integrate GitScrum’s features and functionality into their own applications and workflow. With the GitScrum API, developers can programmatically access and manage data in their GitScrum account, including tasks, projects, users, […]