Category: Lean Start-up

Validate Your Start-up Business with Agile to Conquer Investors

Presenting your start-up product to potential investors and partners is a great moment all start-up entrepreneurs work hard to prepare. You know that everything must fit perfectly. You work on your business idea, licenses, reports, images, prototypes, and, most importantly, know strategic numbers by heart. However, sometimes many brilliant minds end up missing these opportunities […]

5 Outstanding Benefits for Great Lean Startups Practices

The first steps of a new business are always unsafe. After all, those who start an enterprise can feel lost due to a lack of experience and a large number of innovations in the market. Furthermore, even when the first obstacles are overcome, the challenges do not end: growing steadily and sustainably can be an […]

Introducing Masterful MVP Practices in a Lean Startup

More than a trend among creative entrepreneurs, the MVP or Minimum Viable Product is a methodology that allows testing the impact of a product from the beginning of its development. With this proposal, the time between the idea and its realization reduces a lot, which offers several benefits to decision-making. MVP allows for an outside […]

How to Use Unexpected Advantages to Boost your Lean Startup

In the administration world, entrepreneurs learn that to start a business, they must make a business plan. The plan also needs to have revenue, profit, and cash flow projections for the next five years. The Lean Startup movement has come to put all this in check. Thinking about solving the challenges that arise in opening […]

Opportunity in sight: work as a Lean Development Counselor

What is Lean Development Lean software development can be defined as the application of lean manufacturing propositions and practices to the software development industry. From the original Toyota Production System (TPS) that generated the “lean manufacturing” concept, it’s been adapted to the software and product development market, and it’s rising as a trend among this […]