Category: Remote Work

Become a Digital Nomad with GitScrum

Digital nomads are professionals who are prepared to work from nearly anywhere around the world, provided that they have a good internet connection and appropriate work tools, so they move from one place to another, getting the opportunity to have new experiences and meet different places. It’s an ambition for many people, and a reality […]

Scale Career Planning with Scrum to promote better work relations among your teams

If we look at the job market as not always a very simple task, we may feel lost where to start. It seems like we’re facing a whole world to explore,  and we don’t know which way to go yet to career planning. What is your career planning? Getting that job you want, getting promoted, […]

Become an Exemplary Leader to Your Team with Scrum and Agile

Use the Scrum Framework to Become a better leader Leadership is a very rich topic, and it’s been discussed lately on the remote work context. There are several leadership styles and company profiles. So, it’s not possible to state that one single model or formula is suitable for every business and team. Each organization has […]

Learn Organizational Agility from the Spotify Model and Its Lessons to Work Better with Your Team

The Spotify Model as an Inspiration The so-called Spotify Model is widely known as an approach for scaling Agile, focusing on workers’ collaboration in autonomous squads to empower businesses’ productivity. It helped Spotify late in 2011, and many other companies worldwide. Today, the company doesn’t use it fully anymore, but it’s part of their organizational […]

Kanban to Plan your professional and personal life as a project

Have you ever thought of your life as a huge project? If so, congratulations, you are part of a very select group of people with a strategic vision of life. If not yet, it’s probably time to consider wondering if you are satisfied with the achievements so far, or join this special elite. Kanban boards […]