Chapter 10 – GitScrum Sprints: switch the productivity mode on!

GitScrum Sprints is an essential productivity feature in our tool. Our version of this Scrum classical will change the way your team deals with challenges, deadlines, commitment, and autonomy. Sprints are time sessions of tasks you can associate with your project’s goals.

Primarily, you usually set them in weeks. However, you decide their duration as a project manager, according to your project’s perspectives and production loops.

Then, you can use them for:

  • establishing a team’s clear goals to achieve during a determined period of time;
  • increasing teams’ productivity, since they work results-oriented, and feel challenged to gradually achieve more;
  • facilitating leadership, as long as the team understands the importance to commit and conquers the freedom to self-organize and manage their own tasks;
  • helping you identify your team’s strengths, difficulties, and bottlenecks, so you can search for solutions.

How to Create a Sprint

Create a Sprint on the Sidebar
  1. On the Sidebar, click “Sprints”.
  2. Click “Create new Sprint” – it will open a splash screen with the same name.
  3. Select the Project, fill in the Sprint name (it can be a number), select the date range for the Sprint in the Timebox (start date – end date), mention Sprint goals (optional).
  4. Click “Create new Sprint”.
    The Tasks will be added to the Sprint later.
Create a Sprint using the Create Button
  1. Open your project.
  2. On the header bar, click the Create (+) button > Sprint.
  3. The “Create new Sprint” screen will open:
    Select the project where you want to place it.
    Type Sprint title.
    Select the Date range in the Timebox.
    Type the Sprint’s goals.
  4. Click the “Create new Sprint” button.
  5. The Sprint will be created.

How to Edit a Sprint

  1. On the Sidebar, click “Sprints”.
  2. You will see a list of the Sprints previously created.
  3. Click the name of the Sprint you want to Edit, then you will visualize all its details.
  4. On Sprint’s detail page, click “Edit Sprint”.
  5. Update the fields you need, click “Edit Sprint” to save.

Add Tasks to Your Sprint

  1. On the Sidebar, click “Sprints”.
  2. You will see a list of the Sprints created.
  3. Click the name of the Sprint you want to add Tasks to.
  4. On Sprint’s detail page, click “Assign Tasks to Sprint”.
  5. Click “Assign to this Sprint” on the Task names you want to add to the Sprint.
  6. To return to the Sprint page, click “Go back to Sprint.”

Remove a Task from a Sprint

  1. Open the Task on the Sprints’ detail page or the GitScrum Board.
  2. Click the gear icon ⚙️ > Sprints.
  3. Click (x) beside the name of the Sprint you want to remove the Task from.
  4. You can choose to place the Task in another Sprint by making a Search? for other Sprints right below.
  5. Close the Sprints box, and close the Task.

How to Move a Task from a Sprint to Another

  1. Open the Task on the Sprints’ detail page or the GitScrum Board.
  2. Click the gear icon ⚙️ > Sprints.
  3. Click (x) beside the name of the Sprint you want to remove the Task from (the original Sprint).
  4. Make a Search? right below, to find the name of the new destiny Sprint, and select it.
  5. Close the Sprints box, and close the Task.

How to Prepare Your Tasks to Be Monitored in Sprints

In order to better control your Sprint progress, you can set the Task dates, according to your Sprint dates, to be able to compare if the Tasks are matching the Sprint schedule. It facilitates your management and helps you to make Task deadlines clear to all team members.

Set Your Task Dates
  1. Open the Task(s), one by one, by clicking Task(s) name(s).
  2. Click the gear icon ⚙️ > Dates.
  3. Determine the Task start date/time and due date/time (compatible with the Sprint date you set).
  4. Close the Task.

Monitor Your Sprint

  1. Go to Sprints on the Sidebar.
  2. Click the name of the Sprint you want to monitor.
  3. The Sprints detail page will display its Burndown chart:
    The dark blue line shows the ideal Burn – how your team should be shutting down tasks.
    The green line shows the actual Burn – how they are actually finishing tasks.
  4. You can monitor this chart daily with the team, to ensure the goals will be met until the end dates.

How to Delete a Sprint (What Happens?)

You can delete a Sprint if you want, for any purpose. If you do so, only the Sprints data (name, goals, dates) will be gone, but the Tasks you might have included in the Sprints will be preserved – they will not be deleted!

  1. Go to Sprints on the Sidebar.
  2. Select the name of the Sprint you want to delete.
  3. Click the “Delete” button.
  4. Answer “Yes” to “Do you really want to delete?”, if you are sure.

Examples of Things That Could Be Done With GitScrum Sprints

  • A Digital agency can make a 7-day digital launch and use Sprints to control and organize the team’s daily Tasks;
  • A software developing company organizes the software feature releases in Sprints of 7 and 15 days.
    As a result, clients know exactly when they are supposed to receive the updates and follow the progress of a big project;
  • Design teams can use Sprints to manage their weekly workload and ensure multiple deliveries, engaging team members to meet the deadlines;
  • A personal trainer sets his/her client individual goals in Sprints, developing a personalized fitness program;
  • A dietitian & nutritionist can create individualized nourishment programs for clients, with weekly goals in Sprints;
  • A writer and/publisher can organize and plan a publishing project in weekly or quarterly Sprints, and release a Chapter/Sprint;
  • A School can plan educational activities in Sprints, meeting and assessing Sprints goals every quarter – or even, create an individualized developing program for each student or group, who works for reaching their own Sprints goals every month;
  • Churches & Nonprofit organizations can create campaigns with Sprints goals too, fixing monthly and weekly goals and deadlines and assigning Tasks to volunteers;
  • Real Estate Brokers can use Sprints to help them organize and manage numerous Tasks and win ambitious goals, being reminded of business opportunities;
  • Construction Managers can use Sprints to facilitate their leadership routine with foremen, fixing project weekly goals and monitoring project’s progress.

In conclusion, you see GitScrum Sprints are used to help you and your team meet all your goals. Work in Sprints and never miss an assignment again!