Chapter 18 – GitScrum Invoices, your billing power.

Skyrocket your work-life! GitScrum helps entrepreneurs, freelancers, agile teams, and SMBs increase their productivity and profitability. With this purpose, we created this new feature to facilitate and organize your financial and administrative tasks: GitScrum Invoices! This feature will help you control all your jobs, keep track of your billable hours an

d issue your invoices in a very practical, professional and complete way. As a result, clients will be able to check accurate data on the documents they receive, you will reduce operational work and save time for strategic tasks.

Moreover, you won’t forget to charge for your work again, and will be confident to check its value. How awesome is that?

How to Use GitScrum Invoices

Set Up Your Billing Data
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. Go to the Sidebar > Billing > Billing Setup.
  3. Fill in all your company data in the required fields (legal name, legal address, currency, hourly rate, tax rate, complete address).
  4. Click “Update Billing”.
Set Up Your Clients’ Data
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. Go to the Sidebar > Billing > Clients.
  3. Click the “Create a new client” button, on the main page.
  4. Fill in all your client data in the required fields (name, company tax nr, email, address, country).
  5. Click “Create Client”.
Invoices Client Setup
Invoices Client Setup
Create a New Invoice
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. Go to the Sidebar > Billing > Invoices.
  3. Click the “Create a new invoice” button, on the main page.
  4. On the “Create a new Invoice” screen, select: the Client, the Issued Due (you can leave the present date or change), and Payment Due (where you fix the payment deadline for the client).
  5. Click “Create Invoice”.

Create new Invoice

Add Task Items to Invoice

After tasks are completed and valued on GitScrum with Time Tracking, you can add them to your Invoice as billable.

  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  3. You will see the list of invoices you already created.
  4. To add an item to an Invoice, click its (blue) code.
  5. Click the “Add item to Invoice” button.
  6. A splash screen will open, showing the billable (finished and valued) Tasks you are able to include.
  7. Click “Add item” next to the Task you want to include in the Invoice.
  8. After adding item, it will appear as “Billed”.

Invoices Items

Preview and Download your Invoice

After creating an Invoice and including the billable Tasks (jobs) to it:

  1. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  2. Click the Invoice (blue) code.
  3. Then, click the “Invoice Preview” button.
  4. Your invoice will appear to you.
  5. Click “Download (invoice code)” to download it and send it to your client.
Invoices Preview
(exemplary / illustrative data)
Delete an Invoice Item

To remove/delete one item from your Invoice, after it’s billed:

  1. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  2. Click the Invoice (blue) code, to visualize it.
  3. Your invoice items will appear.
  4. Click the trash/garbage can icon ?️next to the item you want to delete.

Invoices delete item

Delete an Invoice
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  3. The invoices you created will appear.
  4. Click the trash/garbage can icon ?️next to the Invoice code/name you want to delete.

Invoice delete

Update an Invoice
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  3. The invoices you created will appear.
  4. Click the Invoice (blue) code, to visualize it.
  5. Click “Invoice Information” to see company vs. client data entered for this Invoice.
  6. Make the necessary corrections.
  7. Click “Update Invoice.”
Invoices update
Invoices update
Download an Invoice
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  3. The invoices you created will appear.
  4. Click the PDF icon next to the Invoice code/name you want to download.

Invoices download

Download an Invoice QR Code
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click Invoices.
  3. The invoices you created will appear.
  4. Click the QR Code icon of the Invoice code/name you want to download.

Invoices QR download