Chapter 4 – Setting Up Profile and Adding Users

Chapter 4

Collaboration is what makes companies move forward towards their goals, and it’s in our soul.

Although you must be eager to start interacting with your team, you must remember that it’s also important to “prepare the house before calling the guests”. So, before you invite clients and workers to access your project management tool, set up your identity.

In Chapter 3, you see how to make GitScrum fully custom branded.

Now, in this Chapter you will learn how to set up your company’s profile, invite team members into the platform and start working with them. Since every new member will have their own account, they will be able to update their own data.

Set up your company’s profile

As a manager, you are responsible to set up your work environment on GitScrum. This section is where your company has the opportunity to show its business information like its working area, its main product or service and/or your main mission.

  1. Go to “Workspace Settings” on the Sidebar, then edit your “Workspace Details”.
  2. Name your workspace with your company’s name, or with your big project’s name.
  3. Click “Update Details”.
    Next, you can create more workspaces and name them with your client’s names, to manage their projects, if your GitScrum plan includes more workspaces.
Workspace Details
Workspace Details

What are Users and Team Members

Users on GitScrum are called Team Members. They collaborate within the workspace and can be part of teams and projects. They are necessary for any project to happen and have progress, unless it’s a solo project while it’s run only by its owner. Tasks can be assigned to one or more team members, and you can include team members in a project or more.

Active and Inactive Team Members or Users

Team members can be active or inactive. When they are inactive, they do not count towards the subscription user limit.
Example: If you have a subscription that allows up to 10 active users, you can have 20 inactive users and they won’t be able to access the workspace and projects. They only figure in the list of team members as inactive. You will see, next, how to add team members to your platform.

Invite team members to the platform

How to Invite a Team Member to Your Workspace via Email
  1. Click “Team Members” on the Sidebar.
  2. Click the “Invite Members to Your Team” button.
  3. Monitor the status of each invited member’s account as active or pending:

    Team Members - workspace users
    Team Members – workspace users

Team Members

How to Invite a Team Member to Your Workspace via Email
  1. Click “Team Members” on the Sidebar.
  2. Then, click the “Invite Members to Your Team” button.
  3. Check (X) the option “Shareable Link”, then copy-paste the URL provided, and send it to your team member via Whatsapp, Telegram, or preferred platform.
Manage teams - Invite Members - Shareable Link
Manage teams – Invite Members – Shareable Link

Edit a member profile

After each member has accepted your invitation, it’s time he/she logs in into GitScrum and updates some personal data. This will be useful for the team to get to know each other, do some networking, remind managers of each collaborator’s main skills, so they’ll make decisions on assignments.

To update a team member profile, the user needs to:
  1. Click the “Profile” item next to the user icon at the header bar.
  2. Update personal and professional details, filling in the blanks.
  3. Click “Ok” after editing each field.
Member Profile
Member Profile

Assign roles to Team Members, Activating and Deactivating Them

First, you invited team members and validated their accounts. Now, you can define which members can work as project collaborators (users only), and which ones can also create workspaces, by matching the box beside their names.

Then, all users can create and complete tasks, make comments, and participate in the discussions, inside the projects. The major difference is that workspace owners can also create and administrate workspaces, so it’s recommended for coordinators, managers, and project leaders.

Finally, you might also need to deactivate team members (users) in a Workspace, under special circumstances in which you don’t want to remove them permanently. In this case, you can deactivate them and later on, activate them again, whenever you want.

Define Team Member to Create Projects Within his Workspace:
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click “Team Members”.
  3. Match the option “Can create project” for the team member you want to delegate this power to.
Activate or Deactivate Members in the Workspace:
  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On Sidebar, click “Team Members”.
  3. Click the “Deactivate” link to deactivate a team member, or the “Activate” link to activate him/her.
Team Members Roles
Team Members Roles
Team Member / User Roles

Configure different access for users. GitScrum provides 4 pre-defined roles: Admin, Member, Restricted and Guest. User roles determine what level of access you have in GitScrum projects. Create your team and define the role of each member in the project. Each active user in a GitScrum project automatically has a system role, which can be admin, member, guest, or restricted. These roles are associated with a default set of permissions.

  1. Open your Project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Project Members.
  3. Manage their Roles: click the “Member” standard status to switch to another one, as necessary.
Restricted Guest Member Admin
Board ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
Gantt ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
Tasks Assigned ✅ ✅ ✅
Sprints ❌ ❌ ✅ ✅
User Stories ❌ ❌ ✅ ✅
Discussions ❌ ❌ ✅ ✅
Documents ❌ ❌ ✅ ✅
Team Members ❌ ❌ ✅ ✅
Time Tracking ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅
Calendar ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅
Form2Task ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅
Mind Mapping ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅
Rockstar Team ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅
Project Settings ❌ ❌ ❌ ✅

How to Assign a Team Member to a GitScrum Project via Email or Invite with a Shareable Link

Invite Internal Team Member(s) or User(s) to a Project

To INVITE one or more team member(s) who is/are already present in your Workspace to your project:
  1. Open your GitScrum Project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Project Members.
  3. Click “Invite”.
  4. Invite Internal Team Members (Users).
  5. Copy-paste and send them the provided URL to INVITE them for the Project, via Whatsapp, Telegram or Email.
To ASSIGN one or more team member(s) who is/are already present in your Workspace to your project:
  1. Open your GitScrum Project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Project Members.
  3. Click “Invite”.
  4. Invite Internal Team Members (Users).
  5. Select the team member(s) and click “Assign to Project”.
Invite Internal Members to Project
Invite Internal Members to Project

Invite External Team Member(s) or User(s) to a Project

To INVITE one or more team member(s) who is/are NOT present yet in your Workspace, to your project:
  1. Open your GitScrum Project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Project Members.
  3. Click “Invite”.
  4. Invite External Users.
  5. Copy-paste and send them the provided URL to INVITE them for the Project, via Whatsapp, Telegram or Email.
    OR Fill in the required fields – “Full Name” and “Email”.
  6. Click “Send Invite”.
Invite External Users to Project
Invite External Users to Project

How to Remote a Team Member from a Project

To REMOVE one or more team member(s) who is/are not supposed to work on your project anymore, you must:
  1. Open your GitScrum Project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Project Members.
  3. Visualize the team member(s) you want to remove.
  4. Click the Trash Can (Garbage Can) icon beside them.

How to Remove a Team Member from a Workspace

To REMOVE one or more team member(s) who is/are not supposed to belong to a specific Workspace anymore, you must:
  1. Open your GitScrum Workspace.
  2. Click “Team Members” on the Sidebar.
  3. Visualize the team member(s) you want to remove.
  4. Click the Trash Can (Garbage Can) icon beside them.
Remove Team Members From Workspace
Remove Team Members From Workspace

How to See the Invitations History on Your Workspace

Check your invitations History

  1. Open your Workspace.
  2. On the Sidebar, click “Team Members”.
  3. On your main page, open “Invitations Awaiting”.
  4. Check the list of invitations sent, and the status of each one of them (pending or accepted).
Manage teams - Invitations Awaiting
Manage teams – Invitations Awaiting