Chapter 7 – GitScrum Board

Meet what we can call, no doubt, the main GitScrum feature! Sure, all our features are beloved, but as long as you work with GitScrum, you will see they all relate to the GitScrum Board, your daily tool to work and collaborate with your team and manage your tasks. This amazing tool, as you’ve seen, is a modern version of Kanban boards, and offers many possibilities of customization, it’s flexible enough for you to make your projects work and look your way.
Here you will learn how to use it, and take the most of it.

How to Create a GitScrum Board

On Chapter 6, you have seen instructions on how to create your first project, and how to set your Workflow, by creating your own workflow template, or choosing a template from the gallery. Once you have accomplished these steps, the GitScrum Board for your project will be active, and you’ll be able to use it and adapt it any time.

How to Create a Gitscrum Board:
  1. Create your Project.
  2. Open your project.
  3. Set your Workflow, on Project Settings > Workflow > Create a new template.
    OR click the “Diamond” icon on the header bar, to choose the most suitable Workflow template for your project, from our gallery.
    For detailed instructions on how to create your project and set your workflow, visit Chapter 6.
  4. The GitScrum Board of your project will be automatically active. Even though you might have set some task status and colored labels on your template, or applied an available template that already has its task status ordered, you will be able to change them all manually, any time, as you wish.
  5. Every time you want to go back to your GitScrum Board screen, use the left sidebar and click “Board”.

How to Add a Background to Your GitScrum Board

Including a background image on your GitScrum Board can sure make the working routine more agreeable, help you communicate visually what your project and tasks are about, as well as the style of your company brand. The background image of your GitScrum Board is the same background image you set for your project.

How to Add a Background Image to Gitscrum Board:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Details.
  3. At your right, below the project logo box, you will see “Board Background”.
  4. Drag and drop a background image file to this box,
    OR click to select a file from your computer (a splash screen will open so you can select it).
How to Remove or Change a Background Image to Gitscrum Board:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Go to Project Settings > Details.
  3. At your right, below the project logo box, you will see “Board Background”.
  4. Click “Remove background”.
    If you wish to substitute the background image, you will need to upload a new image, after removing the previous one.

How does the GitScrum Board work?

Create a new column

A GitScrum Board column represents a task status, a group of tasks stage that you will name as you find more convenient. Once you have created your project and have it opened, you can now start to make changes on your GitScrum Board.

How to Create a New Column on GitScrum Board:
  1. Open your project.
  2. On your Board, next to your columns, click the “Create new column” button.
  3. One tab will open for you to “Create a new Workflow Stage”: type the name of the column you want to create.
  4. Click the black square to choose a color for your new column, then click (+) to add the column.
Add Column to Board
Add Column to Board

Adding Subscribers to the Columns

On GitScrum Board, you can add subscribers to each one of the columns, which means the team members you define as subscribers will receive notifications via email when tasks are moved to that specific column.

How to Add Subscribers to a GitScrum Board Column:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Click the (…) icon, at the header of your column.
  3. Click “Subscribers”.
  4. A tab will open, so you must add your colleagues’ email addresses to set them as subscribers to the column you chose.
Column Subscribers
Column Subscribers

Choose a Color to the Column

In all workflow templates, the GitScrum Board columns have different colors. You can change them any time, make experiences and see what works best for your team. Colors might have different meanings in varied cultures, and you should also be able to chose them according to your personality, your brand or the project’s brand. So, you decide which color will represent pending tasks, the ones in progress, and the accomplished ones.

How to Change the Color of a Column:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Click the (…) icon, at the header of your column.
  3. Click “Change Color”.
  4. A tab will open, so you must select the new desired color.
Column Color
Column Color

Rename a Column

Do you feel another name could be more efficient for a column, to engage your team members and make task stages clear to them? You can change column names any time, too.

How to Rename a Column:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Click the (…) icon, at the header of your column.
  3. Click “Rename Column”.
  4. A tab will open, so you must type the new desired name and click “Save”.
Column Rename
Column Rename

Delete a Column – What Happens?

If you choose to delete a column, GitScrum will ask you to confirm if you are sure about your decision. If you do so, the tasks included in the deleted column will be also deleted permanently. Before deleting a column, please consider if it is the case of moving your tasks, just by dragging and dropping them into other columns.

How to Delete a Column:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Click the (…) icon, at the header of your column.
  3. Click “Delete Column”.
  4. A tab will open, asking you: “Do you really want to delete?” Click “Yes”, only if you are sure you want to delete the column and all the tasks placed in this column.
Column Delete
Column Delete

Move a Column

Tasks are not fixed, which means you can move them to the right and to the left, changing their orders, without affecting the tasks in them. This is nice because you can make adjustments on your working processes even much later than you started.
To move a column to the right or to the left, all you have to do is drag and drop it.

Column Move
Column Move

Hide a Column

On more complex projects, you might need to use more columns to represent your task stages, so it won’t be possible to visualize all of them fully on-screen. Then, you have the possibility to hide some of the columns, leaving the most usual ones open. The hidden columns are as active as the other ones, it’s just a matter of visualization.

How to Hide a Column:
  1. Open your project.
  2. Click the double-arrow icon placed beside the column title you want to hide.
  3. To show the column back, click the (rotated) double-arrow icon again, and the column will appear again.
Column Hide / Show
Column Hide / Show

How to Create and Manage Tasks on GitScrum Board

Create a Task directly on GitScrum Board

  1. On the header of the column you want to add your Task, click the right (+) icon.
  2. On the tab “Create Task”, select the user (team member) you want to assign the Task to, and type the name of the Task.
  3. Click the “Create Task” blue button.
  4. After the Task is created, you will be able to open it and edit its details and description.

Create a Task with the Create Button (+)

  1. On GitScrum header bar, click the (+) icon, next to the GitScrum logo (or your logo, in case you are using White Label).
  2. Click Task.
  3. The “Create new task” screen will open, for you to fill in the task details.
  4. On this screen, select Project where the Task must be created, user it must be assigned to (team member), Workflow (initial Task status), Task title (task name), and a description for your Task.
  5. Click the “Create new task” blue button.

Create a Task with the Footer Button

  1. Click the footer button “Create your first Task”.
  2. It will open the tab “Create Task”.
  3. Select the user (team member) you want to assign the Task to, and type the name of the Task.
  4. Click the “Create Task” button.
  5. After the Task is created, you will be able to open it and edit its details and description.
Create Task Button
Create Task Button

Managing Tasks and Assignments

How to Assign a Task to One or More Team Members on GitScrum Board

  1. Click the Task name to open it.
  2. Click the user (team member) icon.
  3. Select the user (team member) you want to assign the Task to.
  4. To assign the same Task to more members, repeat the process, adding more team members.
Task - Assign Team Member
Task – Assign Team Member

How to Remove a User (Team Member) From a Task

  1. Click the Task name to open it.
  2. Click the user (team member) icon.
  3. Select the user (team member) you want to remove from the Task, clicking his/her name.
Task Remove User
Task Remove User

How to Archive a Task

This possibility is useful when you want to close a Task, making it inactive or considering it out of the question for the moment for your project, but you don’t want to delete it:

  1. Open the Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the tool icon.
  3. Click “Archived”, and close the Task.

Task Archive

Task Archive

How to Recover Archived Tasks on GitScrum Board

  1. On the Board header, click the “Archived” button, to visualize all archived tasks.
  2. Open the Task you want to recover, by clicking its name.
  3. Click the tool icon on the Task.
  4. Click “Archived” to disable this option, and close (x) the Task.
  5. The Task will be recovered back to your Board.
Task Recover Archived
Task Recover Archived

How to Block Tasks on GitScrum Board

If you want to block a Task to ensure nobody will be able to edit it, but yourself, you can:

  1. Open the Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the tool icon.
  3. Switch the “Block” key, and close the Task.
  4. The Task will remain on the Board, visible to team members, but labeled as Blocked.
  5. To unblock a Task, repeat 1-3 steps with it.
Task Block
Task Block
Task - Blocked
Task – Blocked

How to Set a Task as Draft on GitScrum Board

If you want to keep your Task on the draft mode for edition:

  1. Open the Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the tool icon.
  3. Switch the “Draft” key, and close the Task.
  4. The Task will remain on the Board, but will be visible only for you.
  5. To release a Task from the draft mode to normal, repeat 1-3 steps with it, then it will be visible for all team members again.
Task Draft
Task Draft
Task Draft
Task Draft

How to Set a Task on Bug mode on GitScrum Board

If you want to sign a Task on a “bug mode”, this can be useful for tasks related to problem solving, things and products that are not working properly and troubleshooting issues:

  1. Open the Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the tool icon.
  3. Switch the “Bug” key, and close the Task.
  4. The Task will remain on the Board and visible to the team members, but will be labeled with a “bug” icon.
  5. To release a Task from the bug mode to normal, repeat 1-3 steps with it, then it will be regular again.
Task Bug
Task Bug
Task Bug Icon
Task Bug Icon

How to Move a Task to Another Project

  1. Open your Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the gear icon (⚙️).
  3. Click “Move to Another Project”.
  4. Open the selected project to see the Task.
Task move
Task move

How to Delete / Remove a Task

  1. Open your Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the gear icon (⚙️).
  3. Click “Delete”.
  4. Confirm: “Do you really want to delete this task?” with “Yes” if you are sure you want to.
    Notice that this feature removes tasks permanently, with no recovery.
Task Delete
Task Delete

How to Duplicate a Task

  1. Open your Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the gear icon (⚙️).
  3. Click “Duplicate Task”.
  4. Confirm: “Do you really want to duplicate this task?” with “Yes”.
  5. Close the Task.
    The Task will be duplicated on your Board, with the same name.
Task duplicate
Task duplicate

How to Update a Task Status on GitScrum Board

  1. Open the Task, by clicking its name.
  2. Click the labeled present status of the Task, below its title.
  3. Select the new Task status (“Done”, for example).
  4. Close the Task (x).
    The Task will automatically be moved to the corresponding column.
    Notice that anyone in the team can change the Task status, no matter if they are its author or not.
Task Update
Task Update

How to Edit a Task on GitScrum Board

In case you want to change a Task name, or edit its description and details after you created it:

  1. Click the gear icon (⚙️).
  2. Click “Edit Task”.
  3. Edit the Task title and description.
  4. Close the Task.
Task Edit
Task Edit

How to Edit Task Type Labels on GitScrum Board

As we’ve seen in Chapter 6, Task Type Labels labels are used to help your team spot different types of tasks and requests. Here is how to edit these labels directly from a Task:

  1. Click the gear icon (⚙️).
  2. Then, click “Labels”.
  3. Type the names of the labels you want to create and click the (+) icon.
  4. To remove a label from a Task, click the (-) icon beside the label name.
  5. Close the Task.

How to Fill in Task Details

Add documents, Subtasks, videos, images, and rich formatting to Tasks:

Notice that when you create a Task, you can add data to these fields, to help team members accomplish the Tasks:

  1. Attachments: Click the “Drag and drop to upload a file” box to add a file to the Task;
  2. Videos: Paste one or more Youtube or Vimeo video URLs into the “Videos” field, and click (+);
  3. Subtasks: create secondary tasks under this Task, selecting its current status, typing their name and clicking (+);
  4. Comments: add a description for your Task, with text instructions.
  5. If you wish to use rich formatting and make Task instructions even better, use the icons at the Comments box to add emojis, images, videos, bullets, code snippets and hyperlinks.
Task Details
Task Details

Define Task Dates

To organize your workflow and company schedules, fix Task start and due dates, which is important data to be integrated with other GitScrum features (like GitScrum Sprints, GitScrum Gantt Charts):

  1. Click the gear icon (⚙️).
  2. Then, click “Dates”.
  3. In “Start Date”, fix a date in the calendar for the Task to start.
  4. Fix the “Due Date” for the Task deadline on the calendar.
Task Dates
Task Dates

How to Share Your Gitscrum Board

  1. Below the Gitscrum header bar, there will be a Board bar, where you can obtain the Shareable link for your project board.
  2. Click the Skareable link icon, copy-paste the URL link provided and send it to the persons you wish, via email, Whatsapp, Telegram or Social Media.

How to Filter Tasks on GitScrum Board

As long as your workload increases, this feature might be useful to help you visualize only what matters the most, for the moment:

  1. On your Board header bar, click “Filter Tasks”.
  2. Type the filters you want to apply for task visualization – title, creation date, user assigned, and others.
  3. You don’t need to apply all filters. If you haven’t created task types and efforts yet, leave these fields blank.
Tasks filter
Tasks filter

How to Show Tasks Colored on GitScrum Board

The card colors help your team identify different tasks faster, so you have the option to set your cards to show the same colors of the tasks’ labels:

  1. On the Board header, switch the “Card Colors” key.
  2. Your card colors will appear.
  3. To hide card colors, switch the “Card Colors” key back.

How to Invite Users (Team Members) Directly From GitScrum Board

How to Invite External Users (Team Members) Directly From the Board
  1. Click the “Invite” button on the header of the Board.
  2. Type the user’s data in the fields – Full Name and Email.
  3. Click “Send Invite.”
  4. To invite more users at a time, click “Invite one more” several times to open new lines, then fill in users’ data.
  5. Click “Send Invite” to submit several invitations at a time.
Board Invite External
Board Invite External
How to Invite Internal Users (Team Members) Directly From the Board
  1. Click the “Invite” button on the header of the Board.
  2. Click “Invite Internal Users”.
  3. Beside the users (team members) you want to invite, click “Assign to Project”.
Board Invite Internal
Board Invite Internal
How to Invite Users (Team Members) with Shareable Link
  1. Click the “Invite” button on the header of the Board.
  2. Keep the item (✓) Shareable Link marked.
  3. Copy the URL link, by clicking the (?) icon.
  4. Share the link with whom you want to invite to the project, via email, Whatsapp, Telegram or social media.
    This option can be applied both to internal and external users.
Board Invite Link
Board Invite Link

Best Practices for Your Workflow

Here are some useful tips for you to have the best experience while collaborating on GitScrum Board:

  • Task Details: name your tasks properly to differentiate one another on the Board, include task description, instructions to team members and add task references to help your assistants accomplish the Tasks;
  • Encourage the team to use GitScrum Board and collaborate on it, updating task status as soon as they make progress and accomplishments – this way you will really know you can lean on it to obtain the project overview;
  • Create the habit to observe the team’s progress and allow each team member to do the same, in order to encourage collaboration, offer support to the team members who may find difficulties to accomplish any tasks, identify bottlenecks and solve them;
  • Make an agreement with the team about the email notifications you will use or not, but keep aware about all information updated on GitScrum Board, daily;
  • Explain the company’s confidentiality/secrecy guidelines and rules to all team members, so they are not supposed to share private information from the Board anywhere else;
  • Make it clear which kind of urgent demands should be communicated only on GitScrum Board, and which ones should also demand team members to reiterate alerts and warnings on the team issues, in order to keep your internal communication aligned;
  • Inform the team which members will be responsible for creating projects and coordinating team members on GitScrum Board, which ones will work as collaborators, so they will work properly according to their roles;
  • Inform project managers what kind of people they are authorized to invite to participate in the projects, and with whom they can share the company’s projects.