DevOps Culture: Creating Better Performance

In an increasingly competitive IT market, DevOps has become a strong ally for companies. Also, it seeks to modernize its processes and eliminate traditional hierarchies.

And DevOps culture appears as a strategy to solve these problems and increase both work aspects.

DevOps principles help in managing environments and enable organizations to succeed in aligning their teams about processes, tools, and responsibilities.

In the last few years, usage of the term “DevOps Culture” has grown a lot, in opposite to tool-only DevOps implementations.

In this article, you will learn what is the DevOps culture and its importance to create development in different companies.

What is DevOps?

The term DevOps is a combination of the words “Development” and “Operations”. In addition, it grew out of the need to eliminate struggles between teams when making important decisions about software development.

Thus, DevOps emerged, which is intimately connected to the agile culture in general.

This methodology incorporated ideas from the concepts of continuous delivery, agile development, and continuous deployment.

It is not, therefore, a system or an action with a beginning, a middle, and an end. DevOps is a concept that needs to be incorporated into industrial processes and performed by all employees. The DevOps culture aims to make developers, analysts, engineers, planners, to be united to be able to execute projects in the best possible way.

What is DevOps culture?

Agile development methods are very important for large-scale software production, but they divide professionals into distinct function groups, creating barriers to communication and generating rivalry between them. The DevOps culture aims to remove these barriers and encourage collaboration between development and operations groups.

In other words, the DevOps culture favors the integration of the development team with the operations team. In this culture, barriers dissolve and teams become one, sharing processes, tools, resources, and responsibilities to achieve organizational goals and objectives together.

More than that, the DevOps culture aims to accelerate processes, from planning to software development, enabling continuous delivery with a high degree of quality. In this case, we can say that integration, speed, continuous delivery, and quality are the premises of this culture.

The pillars of DevOps culture

1. Communication

The main function is to protect the company’s technological environment. So, they seek to make the entire environment available at all times, avoiding major changes to avoid unavailability, also controlling new versions and updates.

Therefore, the development team seeks to create faster deliveries to generate value for the business. As it is necessary to have new environments for testing, to upload new updates and equipment made available quickly, conflicts may arise with the Infra team.

Thus, it needs to reconcile these demands with other needs of the company, making requests costly.

Based on this mutual recognition, DevOps communication must create means and processes to guarantee the demands and needs of these teams’ relationships.

Therefore, the agile methodology is also important to contribute to the Integration of People. Thus, preparing for this communication logic of the company as a whole from the moment of hiring.

2. Collaboration

Collaboration is the step beyond communication. More than understanding the demands and difficulties found in the relationship between the development and operations teams, it is necessary to overcome the problems and work together.

More than recognizing mutual problems and difficulties, it is necessary to put the proposed solutions into practice. Therefore, it is important to keep in close and constant contact, either through instant messaging applications or by holding quick meetings. This is important to define how to get around a specific difficulty so that both teams can help each other deal with this situation.

3. Automation

Many still diverse companies carry out several steps of operations manually. With DevOps, teams must create automation processes so that many routines, time-consuming activities can be performed automatically, much faster.

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration allows easy transfer of wisdom and experiences between the areas of Development, Operations, and Support. It is a software development practice where developers often centralize their code changes in a repository. Thus, automated tests are applied before application deployment.

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery allows the speedy and continuous release of new versions of software or services. It brings together a set of practices that seek to ensure that new code developed is ready to be shared in a production environment.

Continuous Deployment

Each time a new change is submitted to the central container, a process is automatically started to submit the changes to the desired environment. The teams involved provide frequent feedback at all stages of the software or service lifecycle.


The term DevOpsTesting seeks to unite DevOps with QA work to create Continuous Testing environments as part of the development process.

4. Monitoring

This monitoring pillar is about tracking and analyzing every step of DevOps to keep track of what’s working, what needs to be improved.

Many tools can be used, and it is also possible to generate automated reports. However, it is necessary to establish metrics, demand a standard of control, and monitor every step. With data collected and analyzed, it is possible to generate insights into processes and establish improvements.

5 Benefits of the DevOps Culture

The DevOps culture directly impacts the growth of companies and the quality of the systems developed. Below are some of the key benefits of implementing the DevOps culture in organizations.

1. Resource saving

Projects that do not go out of place and go beyond the established deadline or that need correction can cause losses for the company. Therefore, an integrated IT sector makes fewer mistakes, develops with more quality, and generates less wasted resources.

2. Process optimization

The DevOps strategy facilitates the steps of activities that need performance. Workflows faster and more productively. This process optimization is good for the entire team and also improves the company’s performance.

3. Quality improvement

DevOps aims to make teams communicate better and understand that everyone needs to help each other to achieve the goal. Furthermore, it uses methods and tools to optimize processes. In addition, one of the main results of a culture of integration is the improvement in the qualities of the project.

4. Faster production

Projects are much easier to develop and the chances of delays happening are very low. However, the speed of production means that more deals, without compromising the quality or comfort of employees.

5. Increase motivation

Keeping employees motivated is critical to business growth, but it’s not a simple task. Creating an environment conducive to professional development, giving constant feedback, automating processes, and encouraging collaboration make employees feel more engaged with the company.

DevOps Culture develops your company

The integration between the most important product lines in a technology company, such as operations and development, guarantees improvements in the medium and short term without major investments.

If you consider the optimization of processes, the increase in production, and the cost savings you can achieve, you can consider taking seriously the DevOps culture.

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