Learn to Rise your company’s Digital Transformation with Agile Methodologies

Digital transformation is surely one of the main tools of the market. In recent years,  consumers have become heavy users of technology and now the corporate world goes for the digital transformation too.

The goal is basically to meet the expectations of customers, who want more innovative products and services.  They want faster delivery and interactions between consumers and the organization taking place mainly through digital channels.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand exactly what this transformation means, what is its impact on society, and how to apply it in business processes.

In this article, you will learn the combination of digital transformation and Agile Methodologies. And the tools that will work better for companies that desire to reach more profitable results.

What is Digital Transformation for a Company?

It is quite difficult to identify a definition that applies to all types of companies. However, digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a company.

It’s a cultural shift that requires organizations to continually challenge their existing conditions and think outside the box.

Some definitions of digital transformation focus on what companies hope to achieve, while others highlight elements such as innovation, digitization of assets, and increased use of technology.

However, digital business transformation is much more about people, new business models, and automation of operations. Understanding what the term digital really means to your business is essential to making the right decisions.

Digital transformation must include an information logistics system capable of collecting, analyzing, reporting data, and reacting in response if necessary.

To make all these points clear, here are some aspects that you can consider as pillars of the digital transformation:

  • Consumer focus: Understanding consumer desires and preferences has never been easier. So, it is essential that this information guide all the company’s work
  • Constant feedback: All companies have made, make, and will make mistakes. As there are now more and better possibilities to get feedback, it is necessary to take advantage of the flaws to qualify the product
  • Faster deliveries: All of these processes – from producing, launching the product, getting feedback, and correcting directions when necessary – must happen with maximum efficiency
  • Adapting to Change: Deliveries need to be agile because contexts change all the time. Therefore, the company needs to have resilience and, at the same time, the ability to make its processes more flexible.

Why is digital transformation necessary?

The main consequences of the digital transformation are profitability, customer satisfaction, and increasing the company’s speed of entry into the market. Other benefits are:

Collaboration through all company departments

All processes and strategies, as well as the company’s culture, need to be involved. When all departments are aligned and able to collaborate with each other, the chances for a successful transition are greater.

Work for more efficiency

Digital transformation involves optimizing processes and making workflows faster, easier, and more efficient.  It allows you to create systems and processes that are much more efficient, which means much faster progress on important tasks and projects.

Better performance to achieve goals

The most critical goal of any company’s digital transformation is to better meet customer needs. On the way to achieving this goal, your company will increase its revenues and profit margins.

Shortcut your company’s process

Digital transformation is the intensive change of activities, organizational models, processes, and competencies to improve the way we do business.

However, considering the speed with which digital technology transforms industries, it is important to be constantly prepared to adapt to new scenarios.

The goal of the digital strategy is to improve your customers’ experience and increase your company’s competitive advantage.

Furthermore, digital transformation tries to improve the way of doing business. However, this change does not happen exactly like that. You need a strategy and tools that will support your strategic goals.

How to apply the Agile methodology in digital transformation

Somehow, agile methodologies were designed for software development. Today they have become popular and are also used in other areas of a company.

These frameworks offer the ability to experiment and deliver a solution quickly. They also give feedback, always focusing on end-user satisfaction.

Both the agile methodology and the digital transformation are incremental processes.

They are never ready, as there is always a potential improvement to deliver a more valuable customer experience and get more results.

Team involvement

Working on the concepts of agile methodology and digital transformation in a company requires the involvement of the entire team, from managers to employees.

However, this idea should not be imposed, but proposed and explained to employees to gain their collaboration.

Culture change

It is necessary to prioritize the values ​​that enable the application of agile methodologies: collaboration, communication, transparency, and value creation, instead of rigid governance processes.

In addition, constant change must be assumed as a necessary attitude to have more results and more competitiveness.

Collaboration encouragement

In the agile methodology, collaboration is a central point to break down barriers between sectors and individuals. Integrated and multidisciplinary teams are able to develop better solutions based on individual skills.

It is also up to the managers to provide an environment of trust and transparency to strengthen the teams and offer them freedom for self-management. This is essential to increase decision agility.

 Focus on user satisfaction

The speed of companies needs to keep pace with changes in today’s world. The consumer lives in this constant transformation of interests, needs, and moments.

Definitely, the agile methodology can help in digital transformation. The more your company has the agility to adapt to changes with quality, the more it will be able to deliver value when demands arise.

Steps to Improve Digital Transformation

There is nothing better than learning in a practical way what will be necessary to reach the end of this journey with the objective achieved.

There are 3 steps you need to take:

Visualize the digital future of the business

The first step is to see the possibilities that will open up for your business once it is really prepared to take advantage of the digital environment.

With this, you will be able to put together an action plan, with each step of the change until you reach the sweet spot.

Of course, this shouldn’t be done alone, but with the help of other leading figures in the company.

Invest in digital initiatives and new skills

There are some of the digital initiatives that are part of digital transformation, such as content marketing, but there are many others worth exploring.

Make sure to help your team develop new skills that will be important for digital transformation, such as persuasion.

Foresee the changes for your company’s future

You need to take the initiative in establishing a plan and leading its execution. If you do, results will come.

Today’s digital leadership requires the ability to reimagine and reinvent the business itself.

Digital transformation is a complex concept that needs to start at the top and spread across all strategic decisions and processes in the company.

How can Digital Transformation combine with Scrum?

The complexity of organizations and the rapid pace of market changes require projects to be very quick to adjust and adapt to new scenarios.

The concept of Scrum works precisely in this sense. Deliveries occur dynamically and receive feedback from customers and users regularly.

With this, projects quickly adapt to new scenarios, which would not be possible within the traditional project management model.

Agile methods are a great new approach to meeting your digital transformation goals. Take small steps, test the results and correct the errors to continue as the world’s technology continually advances.

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