Optimizing Your Workspace: How to Manage Sidebar Links

As a Workspace Owner, Enhance Accessibility for Guests by Creating and Managing Custom Sidebar Links

As a workspace owner, it is important to ensure that the workspace is easily accessible and organized for all guest users. One way to accomplish this is by managing the links in the Workspace sidebar. This feature allows you to create custom sidebar links that will appear for all guests who access the workspace.

In order to create and manage these links, follow these steps
  1. Log in to your Workspace account as the owner.
  2. Navigate to the Workspace sidebar.
  3. Click on the “Manage Sidebar Links” option.
  4. Select the “Add new Link” option.
  5. Enter the name of the link and the URL that you want to link to.
  6. Save the link.

By following these steps, you will be able to add custom links to your Workspace sidebar that will appear for all guest users. This is particularly useful for adding links to your Extranet or other tools that your team uses on a regular basis. This way, your guests will have quick and easy access to the resources they need, without having to navigate through a cluttered workspace.

As the workspace owner, you also have the ability to edit or remove any of the links that you have created. To do so, simply follow the same steps outlined above and make any necessary changes to the link information. You can also rearrange the order of the links by clicking and dragging them to the desired position.

It is important to note that all changes that you make to the Workspace sidebar links will apply to all guests who access the workspace. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider the links that you add and to ensure that they are relevant and useful for your guests.

In conclusion, managing the links in the Workspace sidebar is a simple and effective way to enhance the user experience for all guests who access your workspace. By adding custom links to important resources and tools, you can ensure that your guests have quick and easy access to what they need, without having to navigate through a cluttered workspace. So, as a workspace owner, take advantage of this feature and make the most of your Workspace account.