Learn why B2B Industries and Services are Scaling Scrum to support their growth


Scaled Scrum is the expansion of the Scrum structure to Nexus units. Nexus are sets of up to 10 Scrum teams, working together to hand in a potential product or service increment. This concept applies to several Scrum teams working on the same product or service.

Scrum@Scale is an organizational framework in which a set of teams operate with the Scrum Guide to resolve complex problems. It helps deliver solutions with creativity and high standard value. These solutions may be concrete products, digital services, software, etc.

Use GitScrum, the smart project management for Scrum@Scale.


This Scrum@Scale model is useful for many B2B services and industries to expand operations on rising demands and economic recovery.

The software industry is the most popular as an example of this situation, but it’s also applied to uncountable business areas and industries – such as construction enterprises, plastic manufacturing, metal mechanic, electronics industry, textile, automotive, wood & paper, pharmaceutical, telecommunication, transport, food, education, and others.

Scale your B2B with GitScrum


Meet some of the main characteristics and advantages of the Scrum@Scale organizational framework. See how you can apply them to your B2B services:

Continuous Improvement and Obstacle Elimination:

This process aims to spot impediments and transform them into opportunities for improvement before the difficulties grow.

Instant Communication Among Nexus and Scrum Teams:

Communication among these teams happens more efficiently and professionally. They include several product and service follow-ups as part of their development stages and use professional interactive platforms for that, so information is concentrated and updated right to all interested parties instantly.

Efficient Product Backlog:

The Scrum teams are encouraged to work on periodical tests and product/service backlogs over appropriate platforms. They create feedback loops, write user stories with end-user requests and identify needs of improvements for services and products. You can obtain valuable data to request increments on your projects, which will impact your client’s business and, as a consequence, their customers’ life;

Cross-team Coordination:

Leaders face the responsibility to maintain the alignment among Nexus and Scrum teams, synchronizing processes, objectives, and regulatory guidelines to ensure standardization and uniform value delivery. They use an appropriate project management tool to convey compliance instructions internally. So can you do, when you scale Scrum in your business, to assure services in conformity to other companies;

Constant Value Delivery:

The Scaled Scrum structure aims to function as a single unit to deliver the best customer experience to customers and well-finished products. For this to be possible, the product owner sets weekly goals with the Nexus teams, which are called Sprints. It’s a project management feature to set their weekly assignments and ensure short-term accomplishments.
Deliver value constantly with GitScrum Sprints

Efficient Product Owner Cycle:

The product owners (definition applied to service directors, too) need to work close to the Scrum of Scrum Master, directors, Nexus, and stakeholders to hold projects accountable. They must coordinate the elaboration of the development and release roadmap. This must be done in a safe documents cloud and shared with the teams internally.
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Strategic Vision and Release Planning:

Elaborating a compelling vision and mission can engage teams to work much better. It can also help customers and clients understand your brand’s proposal and its benefits. So, besides making these concepts clear to all your Scrum teams, Scrum@Scale structure demands your B2B company to share more about your plans, products and services, market strategies, assets, and opportunities to explore.
An excellent tool for designing your ideas is GitScrum Mind Mapping.

Accountability and Productivity:

Working with metrics and keeping all tasks and efforts measurable will help your B2B services reach productivity and, as a consequence, profitability. For this, you will need to align all team leaders and coordinators to work with the agile project management methodology, measuring efforts per task, tracking time, so these data will be used to evaluate services value per effort, to balance the amount of working per time and team and reach sustainability.
Use GitScrum Task Effort to hold tasks accountable.

Challenge-driven Teams:

Scrum@Scale teams many times do similar work daily, work in offices. They are naturally familiar with technology and collaborative, but they also need motivation. One world trend that is conquering all types of businesses, including B2B service companies, is gamification. Most scaled scrum teams stand by project management tools, but the ones who have the opportunity to be rewarded by improvements, present greater progress.
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See how Scrum@Scale is helping some B2B companies solve problems and reach their goals worldwide:

Deploying Scrum@Scale with a number of products and teams is helping service firms

To meet their compliance deadlines, incorporating users feedback into the product release cycle, recovering customer loyalty. All this is possible by starting the process with two reference model teams, then scaling the process to all the others (with no previous Scrum knowledge).

Scrum@Scale trainers and business consultants are helping enterprises review their processes

Seeking to reduce waste and increase efficiency. They guide companies to implement Scrum@Scale based on a plan, designed to drive a deep transformation since the foundation of a leadership team – Executive Action Team (EAT), who promotes the alignment of the several team units, making them working as cross-functional, self-driven development teams. Unified product backlog and permanent collaboration are some of the practices that are helping these B2B companies guide their clients to better results.

Technology industries are using Scrum@Scale concepts to correct failing product processes

And to improve organizational communication, which impacts both customer satisfaction and collaborators’ confidence. They also start by creating cross-functional teams, headed by the Product owner and the Scrum masters. Then they create the meta-scrum, a communication forum among multiple agile teams to coordinate resources and development.

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To build uniform cross-functional teams and efficient communication that support business growth, large companies are using the best-performing project management tools. This way, they are able to comply with all the company standards and still create their own product and service development roadmaps.

They also use project management to become collaborative at the Scrum of Scrums, a fixed-time meeting when each team representative shares their progress and makes adjustments, towards common goals.

With a smart tool, they are able to control the working pace of all working units and teams, and promote mutual support, requesting the top performers to aid the ones with difficulties. The purpose is to leverage all Scrum teams at a high standard, making objectives clear and demonstrating the importance of each unit’s contribution to the company’s results.

Collaboration for Scrum teams is not a utopic concept, but an essential value. It applies to teammates, team leaders, end-users, customers, and clients. It’s a must for their culture, but it only happens for real when the staff is daily encouraged to incorporate it into the routine.

GitScrum is an innovative project management tool that allows Scrum teams and Nexus units to collaborate from the very beginning with all the stakeholders, to support service scalability. Doing this is ensuring well-oriented production and maximized return on investment.

GitScrum is the tool to collaborate with your Stakeholders!