Tag: business

Manage Dropshipping Projects with GitScrum

Dropshipping,  a growing trend Dropshipping is a supply chain management technique and an e-commerce modality. In it, the reseller does not keep the products in stock but offers products that are in the supplier’s stock anywhere in the world. As long as the e-commerce market expands, the facilities to trade international goods also evolve. Today, […]

Best Ideas to Perform Business Agility in the Digital Age

The world is changing very fast. As a result, companies of all sizes are struggling to stay relevant in the eyes of their customers.  They are better informed and have higher expectations than ever before, with Business Agility. In short, Business Agility is an organization’s ability and willingness to adapt, create and leverage change for […]

Innovative Workspaces for Successful Projects

What are Workspaces and what they are for? We are witnessing a constant transformation of the work market. While the workload seems to increase and many workers claim they are working more than ever, jobs are becoming nearly 100% digital in many cases. Companies face the challenge of organizing and distributing work reasonably while balancing […]

Templates that Inspire You for a Super-Efficient Team Workflow

Is your present work routine inspiring and functional enough for your team, or yourself? How do you think you could improve it? Did you consider applying the experience of other professionals to facilitate your activities? How long does your team spend on meetings about operational tasks every week? Could this time be reduced? There’s a […]

How to Create Business growth in a Competitive Scenario

Business growth is synonymous with innovating. Companies that want to maintain themselves and stand out in the market must always be looking for innovations that differentiate them from the competition. But this is not enough. It is also necessary to develop a company’s growth strategy. The growth strategies of the most successful companies are, in […]