Tag: innovation

UX Design Project Management with GitScrum eBook

Did you already discover the best way to manage all your UX design projects? We are here to introduce you to GitScrum, the smartest project management tool, and its features for you to obtain the most from your creativity, and how to work better in a UX design team. This GitScrum eBook is our little […]

Innovative Schools promote collaboration with these key resources

The digital age and the pandemic forced schools to intensify the updating of their management methods, contents, and tools to meet the needs of students and the community. New subjects and extracurricular activities have been emerging in recent years, such as robotics, astronomy, audiovisual editing, environmental education, numerous languages, entrepreneurship, gastronomy, among others. The Challenge […]

Design Project Management with GitScrum eBook

Design Project Management with GitScrum eBook Are you longing to lead your design team to maximum performance? Let us introduce you to the right tool and techniques to obtain the most from your creative talents. Meet GitScrum, the smart project management tool that will help you manage all kinds of projects and support you to […]

Innovative Workspaces for Successful Projects

What are Workspaces and what they are for? We are witnessing a constant transformation of the work market. While the workload seems to increase and many workers claim they are working more than ever, jobs are becoming nearly 100% digital in many cases. Companies face the challenge of organizing and distributing work reasonably while balancing […]