Tag: kanban

How GitScrum Sprint Standup Empowers Scrum Masters and Stakeholders

GitScrum Sprint Standup, a powerful tool designed to streamline communication and enhance collaboration within Agile teams. By leveraging the capabilities of GitScrum Sprint Standup, teams can optimize their workflows, boost productivity, and ultimately deliver superior results. Enhancing Transparency and Collaboration At the heart of GitScrum Sprint Standup lies its ability to foster transparency and collaboration […]

Boosting Agile Adoption with GitScrum: Enhancing Team Collaboration and Efficiency in Software Development

GitScrum is a popular project management tool that combines the best of both Scrum and Kanban methodologies. It provides a flexible and efficient approach to software development, making it ideal for teams that are looking to deliver high-quality products in a timely manner. Kanban, which was originally developed for the automotive industry, is a visual […]

The Evolution of Agile Software Development: From Scrum to Kanban

Agile software development is a term used to describe a group of software development methodologies that prioritize customer satisfaction and continuous evolution over planning and documentation. Agile methodologies are often contrasted with the more traditional “waterfall” model of software development, which focuses on planning and execution at the expense of flexibility. The Agile methodology has […]

How to Make Your Scrum Projects More Effective with GitScrum

GitScrum is a great project management tool that can be customized to fit the needs of your team. But how do you make sure your projects are using GitScrum in the most effective way possible? In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for making your GitScrum projects more successful. Skyrocket your WorkLife with GitScrum GitScrum […]

Drawing Business Models for Start-ups and Small Companies with Kanban

Do you know what a Business Model is, why, and how to draw one? You may find several descriptions on the web. In simple words, we can say that a business model is a document that describes the logical way a company creates, caches, and delivers value. This logic in the process of creating, caching, […]

Rock your New Year Plan!

How was 2021 for you? Did you achieve everything you wanted? Don’t worry if not. There’s a whole new year coming. New energy, new hopes. In order to accomplish more and more, though, it’s time you started to organize your goals and projects, in case you didn’t yet. The last three years were very hard […]

Templates that Inspire You for a Super-Efficient Team Workflow

Is your present work routine inspiring and functional enough for your team, or yourself? How do you think you could improve it? Did you consider applying the experience of other professionals to facilitate your activities? How long does your team spend on meetings about operational tasks every week? Could this time be reduced? There’s a […]

Facilitate the aplication of your Environmental and Social Governance with the helpful Scrumban

ESG Concept Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) equals to standards for operations of a company, considered by potential investors. But why E, S and G? First, understand that Environmental conduct considers a company’s performance on sustainability and nature issues. Secondly, Social criteria demonstrate its relations with communities, customers, suppliers, and employees. Thirdly, Governance is about […]

Kanban vs Gantt Charts: What to Choose for your Agile Team?

Agile methodologies are sets of practices that aim to deliver fast. There are high-quality products or services and that promote a project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation. It includes Kanban and Gantt Chart. However, some managers manage to solve extremely complex problems through prioritization and division of tasks, but a situation like […]

Kanban as a Transforming Tool to Manage Social Projects and Motivate Volunteers

Managing social projects might be even more challenging than corporate ones. Organizations’ workforce is formed by a majority volunteers, to whom the only reward is motivation, without any financial return. Of course, today, there are many social enterprises, hiring professionals to run social projects, too, so this universe is wide. Anyway, there are common issues […]

Apply Strategic Planning with Kanban to revolutionize your company’s delivery capacity

Several methods and tools have been developed so that activities. In all sectors of a company that you carry out more effectively for strategic planning. Having a well-designed Action Plan and an efficient method of execution, such as Kanban, is undoubtedly one of the ways most used by many companies to ensure productivity. In this […]

6 Kanban Rules that will lead you to Sustainability and Profitability

Kanban is definitely a must-want tool for every single company. It helps you organize the workflow and show you the next steps to improve the performance of your team. Perhaps you find a way to keep progression work and update your staff with new tasks and demands in an organized board, just like kanban. But […]

Set SMART Goals with Kanban to reach expected results!

Developing and creating new tasks in your teams have been, perhaps, a quest for excellence. Sometimes you might feel lost or disoriented by not having a target to aim in long-term jobs. And SMART tool is perfect for helping you organize your goals. Kanban Boards help you organize your tasks and demands and they are […]

Diversify tasks with Kanban and expand the potential of your work

The Kanban Board is definitely one of the most important tools for those who use agile methods in their projects. Its usability relies on organizing tasks for every project you are involved in and makes your life easier to control all workflow. It may seem a little rusty tool, but when you are using it, […]

How to eliminate Bottlenecks in your business with Kanban?

One of the major problems in a team is delivering demands, tasks, or even a product at the right time. When was the last time your team delivered a product on time? No delays or any overtime made by certain members. Process bottlenecks are among the reasons why projects are delayed, budgets are blown with […]

Kanban vs Scrum: What is the difference?

When we talk about project management, the words “Scrum” and “Kanban” are increasingly recurrent and sometimes are confused. With that said, we notice the meaning of each term and its main virtues to avoid misunderstandings and enable you to make the best choices for your team of developers. Agile methodologies emerged when the waterfall method […]

Kanban: 7 Tips to Take Over this Board

Kanban boards offer a system that instantly shows you which phase each project is in and who’s working on it. Because of their visual nature and flexibility, Kanban Boards have become popular project management tools. But what is a Kanban Board? How can you use a Kanban Board with your team, and are there some […]

Kanban to Plan your professional and personal life as a project

Have you ever thought of your life as a huge project? If so, congratulations, you are part of a very select group of people with a strategic vision of life. If not yet, it’s probably time to consider wondering if you are satisfied with the achievements so far, or join this special elite. Kanban boards […]