Tag: spotify squads

What’s more engaging – Individual Goals or Squads Goals, like the Spotify Model’s?

If a company wants to obtain excellent results, it is essential to have a high-performance team. For this, two elements must be present. The first one is the people themselves: you need professionals with the right profile, in terms of skills. The second element is the team organization methodology. Among the available alternatives, the squad […]

Squads: Spotify Model as a world reference

The Spotify Model came in 2012 with a different view of producing more results from main squads. To take over a role in a project, these teams (squad, chapter, tribe, and guilds) Made up by the giant Spotify, the Squad model has proven to be efficient in many companies. And what moves any company is […]

What is the Spotify Model’s Squad Structure?

Do you know the Spotify model? Or even, do you know the Squads that are into this model? This new and revolutionary model came at a time that Scrum took over project management tools and no one could oversee what would be next in line to favor different (and efficient) approaches. Spotify is a music […]

Learn Organizational Agility from the Spotify Model and Its Lessons to Work Better with Your Team

The Spotify Model as an Inspiration The so-called Spotify Model is widely known as an approach for scaling Agile, focusing on workers’ collaboration in autonomous squads to empower businesses’ productivity. It helped Spotify late in 2011, and many other companies worldwide. Today, the company doesn’t use it fully anymore, but it’s part of their organizational […]