The influence of Scrum Events in the development processes, and their impact over quality

Scrum is a framework widely used today for software development. It is said to be a framework because it doesn’t prescribe anything, it’s not a process or even a technique, and it’s perfectly adaptable. In Scrum, we can include several techniques used in other processes, that way we can always improve it.

This type of approach is the best alternative for us to improve the prediction of when the product will be delivered and control the risks of the software being developed.

In this article, to learn about Scrum Events and their role within agile methods, you will understand the concept of Scrum events, as well as what is necessary for them to happen, as well as learn in detail about each of the existing events.

What are Scrum Events?

Scrum events are a way to this method to establish a routine. These events are always short, with a maximum time limit. At the start of the Sprint, you cannot change the duration. The other events may end when their purpose is achieved.

Events in Scrum are to create regularity and minimize the need for meetings not defined in Scrum.

The remaining events can end whenever the purpose of the event is achieved, ensuring that an adequate amount of time is spent not allowing for waste in the process.

In addition to Sprint, which is a container for other events, every event in Scrum is an opportunity to inspect and adapt something. These events are specifically designed to allow for transparency and careful inspection.

The 5 events

Scrum has 5 events or ceremonies in its framework, all of which are mandatory. These events are all “Time-Boxed”, have a defined maximum time.

Only the Sprint, once you define its duration is,  you fix it, and the other events you close earlier. As long as you reached your objective tasks.

These events serve to maintain the 3 pillars of Scrum, which are transparency, inspection, and adaptation, not performing or performing only part of the events, will harm these 3 pillars.

The company or the team decides not to hold any of these events, as it deems unnecessary. You should rethink if the company prepares the Scrum or people did not understand Scrum, as removing any of these events it is not possible to implement Scrum in the company.  The events are:

  1. Sprint
  2. Sprint Planning
  3. Daily Scrum Meeting
  4. Sprint Review
  5. Sprint Retrospective

Let’s see all 5 Scrum events:

1. Sprint

Sprint is the main event of Scrum, which literally means sprint, sprint. This event is a development cycle (iteration), which has a fixed time with a day to start and a day to end. This time can range from 2 to 4 weeks but never exceed 30 days. A Sprint starts at the end of the previous Sprint, with no breaks.

The goal of this event is to transform the Product Backlog items (described functionalities) into software or part of it, fully functional and ready to use, within the defined period for the Sprint.

2. Sprint Planning

The entire Scrum team holds the meeting. That is, Product Owner, Development Team and Scrum Master, divided into two equal parts, with a maximum time of 4 hours each part (total of 8 hours) for a 30-day Sprint (for sprints shorter than 30 days. It  usually holds  the meeting time is proportionally shorter) and there are two questions:

A)What will you develop in Sprint?
B)How will you deliver it?


In the first stage, the Development Team evaluates the functionalities that may enter the Sprint, according to the priority of the items defined by the Product Owner.

Then, the product owner will be able to detail the items so that the development team can understand them and the development team will assess the complexity and how many items will fit in the Sprint.

After the alignment between the product owner and the development team, the complexity estimates for each selected item. This complexity dates with the Development Team.

It is also in this meeting for the development team to guide the product owner in breaking backlog items into smaller items, if they are too large to develop in a single Sprint or if they are difficult to understand (smaller items facilitate understanding).


At this stage, the development team must decide how it will develop the functionality within the definition of “Done”, that is, which tasks are necessary to build the items in the product backlog, within the project’s ready criteria, that satisfy the needs or requirements described in the user stories.

The important thing is that the Development Team commits to the selected items and that it performs all the necessary tasks for the item to consider ready for use.

At the end of the meeting, the development team should be able to present to the Product Owner how it will be to convert the product backlog item into ready-made software increment.

3. Daily Scrum Meeting

After the planning meeting ends, the activities defined in the sprint backlog, which will perform to deliver the product backlog item. That is, the development work to deliver the ready-made software starts.

The daily meeting is one of the most important events as it promotes communication, eliminates the need for other meetings, allows for inspection, and identifies impediments that you must remove.

4. Sprint Review

In this meeting, the items that are “ready” and “not ready” of the Product Backlog. The development team then presents the items to you completed. It is important at this point, that the team presents the system, even if on the developer’s computer.

During the presentation, it is normal for suggestions, new needs, requests for changes to appear, among others. This meeting also serves to add these requests to the Product Backlog. It prioritizes according to need and importance to the business.

The product backlog is a living artifact and is constantly changing. And the Sprint review meeting is one of the times when this artifact changes.

The review meeting is the formal Scrum time for communication and interaction between the Product Owner and Stakeholders with the development team.

5. Sprint Retrospective

Sprint Retrospective is the last event within the Sprint, takes place right after the Sprint Review Meeting ends. And before the next Sprint Planning, it is the opportunity to identify lessons learned in the Sprint.

The focus of the meeting is not the product itself, but the process. This meeting is critical to building a more interactive, motivated, productive, and collaborative team.

In this meeting, it is important that each team member speaks perceptions openly. And without restrictions, not feeling intimidated by the rest of the team.

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