Tag: project management tool

What are the obstacles to use Scrum?

Agile practices have not been new for some time. Several companies already use Scrum and other agile practices as an innovative Framework, geared towards business needs. However, there are some obstacles to using Scrum in teams. What is also not new is that, before using these practices and tools, many organizations. Especially those that do […]

How to use Product Backlogs to Improve your Team’s Productivity

In its literal meaning, backlog means “an accumulation of something, especially uncompleted work or matters that you need to deal with”. In the management world, you may find another definition that is the most used by anyone who works with projects: several items and lists of things to do. But this term came from the […]

What is an efficient Scrum Master Cycle?

We already talked about Scrum itself and its importance for a whole agile process in a team’s productivity. Scrum at Scale has two cycles: ”The What”, which is the Product Owner cycle, and “The How”, which is the Scrum Master cycle. By that, we will go further into the Scrum Master cycle and what is […]

Scrum and Agile: understand these concepts and how they can change the way your team reaches results

In the team’s work world, Agile methodology and Scrum are two words that are very popular within its environment. Many project management teams, tasks leaders, Scrum Masters, Agile Coaches, etc, manage both of them, and sometimes you might get confused when you work them simultaneously. But before we go deeper into these details, you need […]

Use the Nexus Framework to Scale Scrum with Positive Impacts to your Team and Work

Scrum is unarguably the best agile way to improve and bring better performance to your team. In order to oversee new procedures to scale Scrum in project management, Scrum[dot]org has brought the Nexus Framework to sustain products on the scale. In this article, you will understand what is the Nexus Framework and how you can […]

Understand the difference between Large Scale Scrum and Scrum of Scrums to succeed in huge projects

As we’ve discussed in a previous post on Large at Scale Scrum, LeSS is the framework that seeks to apply the principles and ideals of scrum in a large-scale enterprise context as simply as possible through defined rules and guides. Its simplicity makes Large at Scale (LeSS) earn the label of a “barely sufficient” framework. […]

How to Create and Promote an Agile Culture inspired by Spotify Model

There is a concern in many organizations that the workflow process needs to be more accurate and assertive, in order to create an agile culture. Because of that, there are a lot of companies that are looking for a methodology that allows them to be more agile in their processes, which is processes related to […]

Scrum: How Teams Speed Up Productivity

Scrum is extensively used by software companies for product development. Therefore, you can apply this project management framework to any project that has complex requirements, aggressive deadlines, and a generous amount of uniqueness. This framework is specially designed for small and close-knit teams developing complex software products. But it was during the early 2000s that […]

Kanban vs Scrum: What is the difference?

When we talk about project management, the words “Scrum” and “Kanban” are increasingly recurrent and sometimes are confused. With that said, we notice the meaning of each term and its main virtues to avoid misunderstandings and enable you to make the best choices for your team of developers. Agile methodologies emerged when the waterfall method […]

5 Steps to Execute a Scrum Methodology in your Project

You already know that using Scrum in your team is a must-want scenario in every single new task. You want a more fluid workflow and it is a reality that you might find it difficult to not implement any of Scrum methodology. “How can I start a Scrum move in my project”?, “How do I […]