Innovative Schools promote collaboration with these key resources

Innovative Schools promote collaboration with these key resources

The digital age and the pandemic forced schools to intensify the updating of their management methods, contents, and tools to meet the needs of students and the community. New subjects and extracurricular activities have been emerging in recent years, such as robotics, astronomy, audiovisual editing, environmental education, numerous languages, entrepreneurship, gastronomy, among others. The Challenge […]

10 Best Project Management Tools for Project Managers in 2022

The recent adoption of project management tools has skyrocketed many projects, with the rapid transition from workflow to home. To-do list, schedules, progress monitoring, and file sharing. These are just some project management tools that need to address to gain the attention of managers and gain the adherence of teams. Getting in touch with all […]

Rock your New Year Plan!

How was 2021 for you? Did you achieve everything you wanted? Don’t worry if not. There’s a whole new year coming. New energy, new hopes. In order to accomplish more and more, though, it’s time you started to organize your goals and projects, in case you didn’t yet. The last three years were very hard […]

6 Tips to Create a Well-defined Reward Systems for your Company

Reward systems and their influence on team motivation. This may be the time to think about implementing a rewards system in your company. In this way, you will be able to reciprocate and reward your team’s efforts and results. But implementing a reward system in the company that works and that positively influences team motivation […]

How To Implement Meritocratic Work in your Company?

Meritocracy is a topic that has been widely discussed in the social, political, and labor spheres. However, in practice, there are several problems in implementing this type of recognition culture. The high competitiveness of the market, customers demanding about the products and services that companies offer, and the financial and economic instability that the country […]

Hold Your Work Accountable with Time Tracking

Can you tell us exactly how many hours you worked this week? How many average hours and minutes, exactly, would you take to execute the most recurring task in your office? Is the price you are charging for this task fair enough to reward your work? Maybe you can guess the answers to these questions. […]

How to Get Profitable Results with Scalable solutions?

There are certain concepts that every entrepreneur should know. Scalable solutions are one of them. Innovative companies are known for adopting business and management models. Designed to grow in a scalable way, these organizations can expand with few resources. They can also improve processes, hire professionals, and adopt technological solutions according to demand. As their […]

The roles of Adaptive Software Development in Agile World

In the management world, there are several development tools to help teams produce more. And Adaptive Software Development (ASD) is one of them and has got a great role in team’s productivity. This model focuses on human collaboration and team self-organization. Its main focus is on the problems of complex systems, for major developments. The […]

Conquer the Anywhere Office Lifestyle

The digital age brings more and more opportunities each day. It’s promoting several transformations in work relations, modalities and professions. While thousands of professionals are taking advantage of these changes, many others are still trying to discover how they can adapt to this new reality. Geographic independence, or what we call working on the “Anywhere […]

Innovation for Transformation: Learning from Disruptive Startups

Entrepreneurship is full of terms and expressions. And one of the most absorbed by the business world was the concept of disruptive innovation, mainly for disruptive startups. Arguably, competing in an increasingly dynamic and technological market requires innovative actions almost constantly. However, there are different ways to innovate. Artificial intelligence, e-commerce, cloud computing, social networking, […]

GitScrum CEO Renato Marinho says “Disrupt your work mode to stand out globally”

Interview with Renato Marinho, GitScrum CEO We had some inspirational talk with our CEO, in order to encourage all professionals and entrepreneurs to start managing their projects and motivating teams with excellence. GitScrum started in 2018, then offering open-source software to be a smart solution for project management with the Agile methodology. Since then, the […]

Find out How to Scale your Startup Business with Agile

Many entrepreneurs believe that to scale their startup, you need to invest in marketing strategies. But if these strategies are for real, they cannot make this job alone. Every entrepreneur dreams of growing their business. In the case of startups, this can happen in a short period due to the growth culture focused on creativity, […]

Find out the Best Techs for Startups!

The 21st century has established new paradigms for companies and entrepreneurs, with the digital revolution that cuts across all areas. Different sectors have come to rely on custom-made technological solutions, above all, with the growing, and more massive arrival of tech startups. By the way, startups are an entity of the digital revolution as they […]

The Ultimate Agile Glossary – Terms, Expressions and Acronyms you should know

A Acceptance Criteria These are a set of requirements/conditions that software ought to meet before it is accepted by a user. According to the information they manage on user stories, the product owners are responsible for defining acceptance criteria. Acceptance Test(s) These tests need to take place, to ensure the features are working right, according […]

How to Get Startup Business Valuation with Scrum

Do you know how to calculate the business valuation of a startup? Many beginning entrepreneurs don’t understand what it means, and how to do the calculus. That’s because, in today’s world, startups are attractive, but it’s not an easy job. In general, entrepreneurs start with an innovative idea and decide to bet everything on it. […]

How to Manage Media Strategies with Agile

The success of an organization is associated with how it communicates with its audience. Therefore, you must maintain an open and transparent dialogue with them through media strategies. When talking about marketing, one should think about the main channel: communication. If you choose to talk about anything about your company, products, and services without having […]

Learn the Best Practices to Manage a Company

Managing an enterprise is, without a doubt, a great challenge. With new business models emerging, different company profiles are also starting their works.  And To manage a company is a state of art. They demand a more fluid administration and alignment with employees. In this context, it is necessary to understand how to be a […]

How Freelancers Can Help Teams Engagement

Due to known skills and talent shortages, more companies are hiring talent from freelancers. Online platforms provide such efficient access to talent that nearly half of the surveyed companies access these markets to find the right skills, and more than half expect to increase their use of contingent workforce. But companies are also finding that […]

How to Hit Ambitious Sales Goals with Agile

If a company wants to prosper, its sales need to generate good results and meet expectations. But it is practically impossible to find any professional in this area who has never had difficulties in reaching their sales goals. Applying agile methodology in companies is a matter of continuous improvement. After all, which manager would not […]

Six Sigma Belts: Connections with Agile methods?

In a crisis scenario, reduced demand and increased competition, investing in innovation, and increased productivity are vital strategies for the success of organizations. And, in this context, the Six Sigma Certification is highlighted! Lean Six Sigma has proven to be an important tool in conducting business, helping companies to become more efficient when seeking to […]

GitScrum at Web Summit 2021

The exhibit as an ALPHA startup is coming GitScrum will be at the great Web Summit 2021. The event will take place in the city of Lisbon, at the Altice Arena & Fil, from November 1st to 4th. Mentioned “the best technology conference on the planet” by Forbes, Web Summit is famous for its leading […]

How to Get More E-commerce Sales with Scrum

Retail trade is constantly innovating. E-commerce managers need to adopt more modern processes with a focus on results. The biggest challenge is to understand the process and the language used by the development team. Prospecting is all the way to attract the attention and attraction of customers to your e-commerce company. In active prospecting, you […]

How Agile HR can help build the organization of the future

Speed is not a feature present only in technological means these days. There is an extension to all corporate departments, especially in the most strategic sector of companies. Agile HR contributes to transforming the way companies hire new people, manage their staff, and grow in the market. It’s common to hear that software engineering teams […]

Create a Public Project and Promote your Brand with GitScrum

What are Public Projects First of all, let’s clear up the concept of a public project. When you create one project in your project management tool like GitScrum, you have some privacy settings options. That means you can make your project “private” or “public”. Of course, you will decide to keep many projects private. Sometimes […]

Startup Culture: 7 Qualities to Grow your Company

Since startups emerged, they have been gaining more and more space in the market. In addition, since the rise of startups, they needed to create an environment for employees to work efficiently. The name of it is the so-called startup culture, that is, a series of principles and guidelines that guide the performance of employees […]

3 methods to Scale Sales for Your Startup

It is very common when thinking about scaling sales for a startup, for the entrepreneur to think of various tools for sales automation, ads, blogs, and a series of other mechanisms to make the customer buy. This vision is very realistic in the long run. However, if you are on the way to making your […]